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Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate Coffee Beans
Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate Coffee Beans
  • 4.9 Rating
  • 38 Reviews

Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate Coffee Beans by Gurman's

The finest coffee in New Guinea comes from the Sigri estate. Papua New Guinea Sigri Estate Coffee Beans prized by connoisseurs, our Papua New Guinea Sigri is naturally sweet, with a fruity aroma, a spicy body and clean flavour.

Ingredients: Premium quality coffee beans.

Single Origin is a very high quality coffee, from a specific country, a region, or even a single producer - a particular estate or farm situated in an exclusive setting, so the finest coffee beans has that unique characteristics and particular flavour. We provide a wonderful range of Gurman's classic and single origin coffee beans for our customers. At Tea & Coffee Suppliers we believe in quality, so we go all the way to find better beans.

GURMAN'S PAPUA NEW GUINEA SIGRI ESTATE COFFEE BEANS FOR SALE ONLINE - We are an online store dedicated in providing you with the finest coffee beans - Classic and Single Origin Coffee, Flavoured Coffee and Espresso!


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